Home Business Insights & Advice Citrix and 2 factor authentication: A proven way to stop fraud attacks

Citrix and 2 factor authentication: A proven way to stop fraud attacks

by Sarah Dunsby
23rd Feb 23 11:46 am

What is a two factor authentication 2FA and why should businesses use it?

Nowadays, many corporations have started to transition to an online world of operating their business. In order to make the transition smoother and easier, these corporations started to understand the importance of using online platforms to communicate, operate, and store data.

For that, many businesses started to upload confidential data and communicate with partners and customers through online platforms. Additionally, many businesses started to use remote – like Citrix Gateway – web access providers to allow employees working remotely the ability to use files stored in an office desktop.

Even though this transition had many benefits for businesses and employees, it also caused an increase in the risk of losing company data to third parties due to hackers and cyber-attackers.

Corporations figured out that increasing the security of these accounts is the best way to stop fraud attacks on online company platforms. To add extra layers of security, a two factor authentication (2FA) provider is needed. To illustrate, when Citrix 2FA is installed, those who try to access an account will be required to fill in an additional requirement which will prove their identity.

Hence, it is important to install a 2FA application to prevent and stop fraud attacks on company accounts.

What is Citrix Gateway?

Citrix Gateway is one of the most effective tools that help businesses succeed while working remotely. Citrix Gateway provides users with numerous services – like remote web access, a single login to remote platforms, a private identity on public networks, etc.

However, Citrix Gateway is only protected with a username and password, which can be easily hacked by cyber-attackers.

Thus, to ensure that the consequences of using Citrix Gateway are minimized, a 2FA application should be installed.

Consequences of not securing a Citrix Gateway account

As mentioned above, Citrix Gateway provides numerous services to its users which all can be accessed with a username and password. By not having enough protection on these accounts, hackers will be able to access all company data by hacking one account.

When an account is hacked, all the confidential data and future visions of a company may be leaked, which will cause damage to a company’s reputation and even cause a delay in operations.

Four steps to stop fraud attacks with a 2FA account

1. Dedicate time to find a reliable 2FA application

The first step to install and start using a 2FA account is to dedicate a lot of time to find the best 2FA provider. A lot of research needs to be done prior to installing the 2FA application because when setting up accounts, all company information are needed. In other words, when an application is not a reliable one, and all data is provided single handedly by corporations, it will result in losing data due to mistrust.

So, ensure to read reviews and find the most reliable application.

2. Send an application for an admin account 

After installing the 2FA application, managers and advisors need to send an application for an admin account using the company name.

However, the admin account is the most important account when using 2FA application as it will have the control on what account can have access to company data.

Thus, ensure that accessing the admin account is not provided to all employees and managers – only trusted and loyal employees.

3. Connect all company accounts to the admin account

After getting the verification for the admin account, managers will now have access to connect all of the company accounts to the company domain account – admin account. Connecting company accounts to the admon account means that employees will have access to use the application and add extra layers of security to their accounts.

4. Advise employees to setup their accounts using 2FA

Each employee will be required to setup their account and choose the type of authentication they prefer. Many types are offered by applications; however, the most common ones arepush notifications, one-time code sent to a device, or fingerprint scans.


In conclusion, two factor authentication is an effective strategy to keep third parties from accessing and leaking company data. Thus, corporations need to ensure they use a reliable 2FA provider and advise employees to setup their accounts to add extra protection and avoid causing harm to the company reputation.

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