Home Breaking News CBI calls on government to hit the ‘reset button’ with local leaders

CBI calls on government to hit the ‘reset button’ with local leaders

by LLB Politics Reporter
21st Oct 20 3:21 pm

The head of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has warned that businesses are “suffering badly” over the lack of clarity from the government and delays in financial support.

Dame Carolyn Fairbairn, the director-general of the CBI warned that trust is fundamental in making lockdowns work.

She said, “Business is suffering badly from lack of clarity and delayed timing on financial support through lockdown.

“Support must be made available from the moment any restrictions come into force and be commensurate with their impact.

“Trust between central and local government is fundamental to making lockdowns work.

“While trust is high in some parts of the country, in others it urgently needs rebuilding.

“With tighter restrictions closing in on many parts of the country, it is completely wrong to make each one its own negotiation. This just wastes vital time and erodes unity. 

“The government urgently needs to move to a more standardised system of support for areas and businesses moving into Tiers 2 or 3, with buy-in across all regions.

“Local authorities should receive additional funds so they can target grants to businesses and others most in need.

“And the government’s contribution to the new Job Support Scheme should be increased to protect jobs, especially in areas where firms are seeing demand fall away.

“Now is the time to press the reset button. National unity is the only way to defeat the virus and protect our economy.”

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