Home Brexit Calls for Boris Johnson to resign as his position is ‘untenable’

Calls for Boris Johnson to resign as his position is ‘untenable’

by LLB Reporter
24th Sep 19 11:22 am

After a historic and unanimous ruling by 11 justices at the Supreme Court on Tuesday morning, Lady Hale said that the proroguing of parliament was unlawful.

Joanna Cherry QC and SNP spokesperson said that “Boris Johnson’s position is untenable and he should have the guts to resign.”

Ian Blackford Westminster’s SNP leader said outside the Supreme Court that the prime minister “should resign.”

Jo Swinson the Liberal Democrat leader said the decision by the Supreme Court demonstrates that Boris Johnson is not “fit to be prime minister.”

She added, “He’s misled Queen and country, and unlawfully silenced the people’s representatives.

“I’m on my way to resume my duties in the Commons and stop Brexit altogether.”

Sir Kier Starmer, Labour’s shadow Brexit secretary said, “Strong judgement from the court proves Boris Johnson has no regard for the law.

“Yet again he has been found out. The sooner we resume our work challenging and defeating him the better.”

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn told the Party’s conference in Brighton that Boris Johnson must “consider his position” after the judgement.

Nigel Farage the Brexit Party leader said on Twitter, “The calling of a Queen’s Speech and prorogation is the worst political decision ever. Dominic Cummings must go.”

Adding, that the suspension of parliament was “the worst political decision ever.”

The Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow said in a statement that he “welcomes the Supreme Court’s judgement.”

Bercow said, “I welcome the Supreme Court’s judgement that the prorogation of parliament was unlawful.

“The judges have rejected the government’s claim that closing down parliament for five weeks was merely standard practice to allow for a new Queen’s Speech.

“In reaching their conclusion, they have vindicated the right and duty of parliament to meet at this crucial time to scrutinise the executive and hold ministers to account.

“As the embodiment of our parliamentary democracy, the House of Commons must convene without delay.

“To this end, I will now consult the party leaders as a matter of urgency.”

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