Home Business News Business Psychologist, Dannielle Haig, voices concerns over recent redundancies

Business Psychologist, Dannielle Haig, voices concerns over recent redundancies

by LLB Reporter
22nd Oct 20 8:32 am

New research from PWC highlights a staggering imbalance in pandemic related redundancies as more than twice as many women (78%) have lost their jobs compared to men. Business Psychologist, Dannielle Haig, urges leaders to consider this imbalance when looking at any further redundancies and to prioritise employee wellbeing during this challenging time.  

This huge imbalance in redundancies needs to be addressed by business leaders as these serious decisions have a huge impact on their organisations and employee’s wellbeing. The research also showed that two thirds of the women who lost their jobs are between the age of 18 and 34 highlighting a huge disproportion in redundancies of young women.

As the nation slips into a second lockdown, after a few months of freedom and a taste of normal life, the impact of work-related stress on wellbeing is expected to increase. Add to this the looming concerns over redundancy and it isn’t surprising that recent figures from the Office for National Statistics found that 40% of adults reported that the impact of the pandemic was affecting their wellbeing.

Leaders need to carefully review all interactions with employees and take into account the impact redundancies have had on remaining staff, ensuring all future communication is considered and clear. As employees work from home many may feel detached from the business and fearful of their positions as they don’t have the same day to day interactions with line managers and other team members.

Dannielle Haig, Business Psychologist and Owner of DH Consulting added, “As a business psychologist and coach who works with many senior leaders, this huge imbalance in redundancies is upsetting and shows many leaders still have a detachment from employees.

“Businesses need strong leaders now more than ever and it is fundamental they show empathy, support their staff and take time to consider any key decisions, such as future redundancies. The most efficient and effective approach to support employees is through the training and development of the senior team so they become great leaders.”

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