Home Business NewsBusiness Business Group CBI: Extend Maternity pay and free childcare

Business Group CBI: Extend Maternity pay and free childcare

28th Oct 16 10:01 am

Business lobby group calls for more support

Many working parents around the country find it a struggle balancing household bills and childcare.

Financial support on the issue has been talked about in the past and more often than not its business that’s blamed for not finding a solution.

The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has called for working mums to receive maternity pay for longer and have said they should get free childcare. With the Autumn Statement looming they want to see pay extended from 32 weeks to 59.

They’ve also declared they would like to see people get 15 hours a week of free child care for all children aged one to ten years old.

CBI told the BBC: “Businesses are increasingly reporting skills shortages, encouraging more women to remain in the labour force will play a part reducing this bottleneck and improve diversity,”

More support for mothers could lift female employment by up to two per cent over the next 10 years.

Currently all three to four-year olds in England can get 570 hours of free childcare. This can usually be taken 15 hours a week for 38 weeks.

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