Home Lifestyle News Brits spending twice as long in toilet than exercising

Brits spending twice as long in toilet than exercising

27th Sep 17 1:07 pm

According to a new survey

As UK celebrates its National Fitness Day today, a recent poll paints an alarming picture of the growing physical inactivity epidemic that is plaguing the country.

According to British non-profit organization UKActive, a survey of 2,004 British adults found that on an average they spend twice as much time on the toilet as they do being physically active. This means that an average British adult spends three hours and nine minutes sitting on their loo every week, but exercises for just 90 minutes.

The survey revealed that about 64 per cent of Brits are spending at least six hours a day sitting down due to their deskbound lifestyles, while other 12 per cent are clueless on how much exercise they should be doing in order to stay healthy.

Only one in 10 said they knew the recommended physical activity guidelines from the National Health Service (NHS), which states 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise (like swimming, cycling or brisk walking) per week mixed with strength training.

According to Steven Ward, chief executive of UKactive: “Humans are made to move, but modern living has stripped physical activity out of our lives to the point where we pass more time spending a penny than we do getting sweaty.”

“The major health concern here is our lack of exercise, but things like poor diet, lack of exertion and our tendency to play on smartphones in the bathroom are all other factors that are driving this inbalance.”

The survey also revealed the common reasons for Brits not exercising, which are busy work schedules (a problem for 20 per cent) and family commitments (18 per cent of women and 12 per cent of men).

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