Home Business NewsBusiness Brits say end of coins is nigh as “Bitcoin” added to dictionary

Brits say end of coins is nigh as “Bitcoin” added to dictionary

by LLB Editor
28th Aug 13 11:06 am

It’s official. Brits are falling out of love with cash, with more than 77% in a new survey thinking that certain coins will have been discontinued within 10 years and 76% anticipating the end of the cheque book.

The news comes as the word “Bitcoin”, the digital currency, is included in the Oxford English Dictionary.

The aforementioned survey of 5,176 people by Loudhouse for WorldPay also found that nearly two-thirds of Brits believe that they will regularly make purchases via their mobile handset or other card payment methods.

Nearly half believe they will be using fingerprint recognition systems to authorise the payment of their household grocery shop.

Another 39% predict that facial recognition or iris-scanning technology will be a feature in a decade, and 32% believe that they will be able to speak to pay.

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