Home Business NewsBusiness Brexodus: CEOs of top UK firms are planning to move operations abroad

Brexodus: CEOs of top UK firms are planning to move operations abroad

26th Sep 16 9:24 am

Brexit jitters take over Britain

Almost four in five (76 per cent) British bosses leading UK companies are considering moving operations outside the UK thanks to the Brexit vote, a new survey has found.

This is despite the research by KPMG of 100 chief executives, who work for companies boasting revenues between £100m and £1bn, finding that 86 per cent of CEOS are upbeat about their company’s growth prospects in the near future.

Also, of the CEOs questioned 69 percent expressed optimism in the UK economy.

“CEOs are reacting to the prevailing uncertainty with contingency planning,” said Simon Collins, KPMG UK chairman.

“Over half believe the UK’s ability to do business will be disrupted once we Brexit and therefore, for many CEOs, it is important that they plan different scenarios to hedge against future disruption.”

The survey also pointed out that 72 percent of UK CEOs had voted to remain in the European Union in June’s referendum.

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