Home Brexit Boris warns Macron ‘we’re ready to walk away without a deal’

Boris warns Macron ‘we’re ready to walk away without a deal’

10th Oct 20 5:14 pm

Prime Minister Boris Johnson told the French President Emmanuel Macron on Saturday via a telephone call, that the UK are ready to walk away without a deal.

Johnson said that the UK are prepared to walk away without a comprehensive free trade deal, and on an Australian style terms, if there is no breakthrough.

Johnson would rather leave the EU with a deal, but insisted progress must be made in problematic areas such as fisheries ahead of next week’s summit.

A Downing Street spokesman said, “The Prime Minister set out the latest state of play in negotiations on the future relationship between the UK and the EU.

“He confirmed the UK’s commitment to exploring every avenue to reach an agreement.

“He underlined that a deal was better for both sides, but also that the UK was prepared to end the transition period on Australian-style terms if an agreement could not be found.

“The Prime Minister emphasised that progress must be made in the coming days to bridge the significant gaps, notably in the areas of fisheries and the level playing field, through the process of intensive talks between Chief Negotiators agreed with the President of the European Commission.

“The leaders agreed to keep in touch on the issue.”

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