Home Business News Boris Johnson has ‘thrown us under the bus to save his own skin’

Boris Johnson has ‘thrown us under the bus to save his own skin’

by LLB staff reporter
9th Dec 21 10:11 am

The new ‘work from home’ directive will kill off the UK’s hospitality sector this Christmas which will be “devastating” for the nightlife sector.

The “work from home” guidance will diminish consumer confidence, resulting in widespread cancellations of bookings during the critical festive trading period.

Michael Kill, CEO of the Night Time Industries Association, reacting to Prime Minister’s press conference on Wednesday evening, he said, “Today’s announcement of Plan B by the Government is devastating news for nightlife sector. Vaccine passports have a damaging impact on Vaccine passports have a damaging impact on Night Time Economy businesses, as we seen in other parts of the UK where they have been implemented like Scotland – where trade is down 30% – and Wales, where it down 26%. The UK Government have twice ruled out Vaccine Passports before twice changing their mind.

“The UK Government have twice ruled out Vaccine Passports before twice changing their mind. The mixed public health messages this week that have been coming out of the Government have arrived at the worst possible time – the pre-Christmas period is absolutely crucial for our sector. And now it is announced damaging vaccine passports are to be implemented.

“Far from ‘saving’ Christmas, the Prime Minister has given our sector the horrible present of more pain for businesses desperately trying to recoup losses from earlier in the pandemic.

“The Government’s own report on the subject concluded that vaccine passports wouldn’t even have a significant impact on virus transmission – they don’t stop the spread of covid but they do damage trade. You do, therefore, have to question the timing and rationale for this announcement. Is this sound evidence-based public policy making or is this an attempt to move the news agenda on from a damaging story about the Downing St Christmas party? It feels that Nightclubs and bars have been thrown under the bus by the Prime Minister for him to save his own skin.

“And of course these businesses, who have already sacrificed so much during the pandemic, will be asking – ‘why are we being asked to carry more of the burden when it seemed that the most senior Government officials felt they didn’t need to do their bit?’”

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