Home Business News Boris Johnson gives a dignified resignation as the British Prime Minister and thanks the British public

Boris Johnson gives a dignified resignation as the British Prime Minister and thanks the British public

by LLB political Reporter
7th Jul 22 12:40 pm

Boris Johnson has made his resignation statement outside No.10 Downing Street and he is met by applause from his most loyal supporters – including Nadine Dorries and his wife Carrie Johnson in Downing Street.

Johnson said, “It is clearly now the will of the parliamentary conservative party that there should be a new leader of that party and so a new Prime Minister.

“I’ve agreed with Sir Graham Brady… that the process of choosing that new leader should begin now.”

He then confirmed he will continue to serve “until a new leader is in place.”

Johnson thanked those who voted Conservative in the last General Election and added, “The reason I have fought so hard over the last few days to continue to deliver that mandate in person was not just because I wanted to do so, but because I felt it was my job, my duty, my obligation to you.”

He continued, “I’m immensely proud of the achievements of this government in getting Brexit done, to settling our relations with the Continent… reclaiming the power for this country to make its own laws in Parliament.

“Getting this country through the pandemic, getting the fastest vaccine roll-out in Europe, the fastest exit from lockdown and in the last few months leading the West in standing up to Putin’s aggression in Ukraine.”

He then addressed the people in Ukraine, saying the UK will “continue to back their fight.”

Johnson concluded and said, “To that new leader… I say I will give you as much support as I can.

“And to you, the British public. I know that there will be many people who are relieved and perhaps quite a few who will also be disappointed.

“And I want you to know how sad I am to be giving up the best job in the world.

“But thems the breaks.”

He then thanked the British public for the “immense privilege that you have given me” and added, that until the new Prime Minister is in place “your interests will be served.”

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