Home Brexit Boris Johnson faces prison should he refuse to delay Brexit

Boris Johnson faces prison should he refuse to delay Brexit

by LLB Politics Reporter
7th Sep 19 2:01 pm

Should Boris Johnson the prime minister refuse to delay Brexit after the House of Lords have voted legislation for a no-deal Brexit then he could go to prison.

Sky News reported that the former director of prosecution, Lord MacDonald said legal action will mean a court will order “the law should be followed.”

Lord MacDonald added, “A refusal in the face of that would amount to contempt of court which could find that person in prison.”

The former prosecutor said this is “not an extreme” and any individual that refuses to “purge their contempt” will be sent to prison, and the order could demand another government official to authorise the delay.

The prime minister wrote to Tory members on Friday saying, “They [House of Lords] just passed a law that would force me to beg Brussels for an extension to the Brexit deadline.

“This is something I will never do,” the Daily Telegraph reported.

On Friday evening journalists asked the prime minister will he obey the law that is demanding for to ask the EU for an extension? He said, “I will not. I don’t want a delay.”

Iain Duncan Smith MP has bizarrely urged Johnson to break the law and said he will be seen as a “martyr” if he was put in prison.

Duncan Smith told The Telegraph, “This is about Parliament versus the people. Boris Johnson is on the side of the people, who voted to leave the EU.”

For the former prime minister to encourage someone to break the law is somewhat outrageous. However, the reality of Johnson breaking the law is most likely not going to happen.

The former supreme court judge Lord Sumption told Sky News, “He won’t get any co-operation, apart from the fanatics around him… the attorney general won’t sit there quietly while this happens.

“If he was to do something as foolish as that, he would be on his own, maybe accompanied by Dominic Cummings.”

However, Johnson will most likely have a few cards hidden up his sleeve and could force opposition leaders to vote against him.

This would mean a no confidence vote that may well spark a general election, said political correspondent Sebastian Payne.

The Financial Times reporter said, “One thing they might try and do is pass a very straight forward single clause bill that would say, notwithstanding the terms of the Fixed Term Parliament Act (FTPA), which normally dictates how elections are held, we’ll have an election.”

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