Against the backdrop of a global health crisis and ongoing economic uncertainty, Cardiff-based Entrepreneur Ben Keighley has received a shortlisting for the ‘Great British Entrepreneur Awards 2020’. The shortlisting process has seen a plethora of worthy nominations from across the United Kingdom, whittled down to only five finalists in each category.
Encompassing the entire UK, the ‘Great British Entrepreneur Awards’ is an annually held event designed to recognise, celebrate and support the achievements of entrepreneurs from the four nations. Cardiff-based entrepreneur Ben Keighley has been announced as a finalist in the Welsh region’s ‘Small Business Entrepreneur of the Year’ category, in a field of strong competition.
Ben said, “I’m delighted to have been told my nomination has been shortlisted as a finalist in this category. I’m passionate about what I do and genuinely believe in the untapped potential of entrepreneurial minds. Now more than ever, we need to be broadening our thinking and supporting innovation across every industry.”
Ben Keighley is the founder and managing director of ‘Routes 4 Media’ – a full-funnel digital ad agency that uses unparalleled creative, targeted media buying and data, to produce results for ambitious companies. From its inception over seven years ago, Ben Keighley has shaped the organisation into a forwarding-thinking, results-driven ad agency, that puts clients first.
Ben added, “The Great British Entrepreneur Awards is a fantastic platform for entrepreneurs to connect, take inspiration from one another and to foster a sense of community. Each category is bursting with talented individuals and I’m both thrilled and humbled to be a shortlisted finalist.”
The ‘Great British Entrepreneur Awards 2020’ regional finals are on the 23 September and will be held virtually this year.
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