Home Business Insights & Advice Basil Zagorodniuk explains the role of blockchain in increasing the efficiency and transparency of supply chains in the food industry

Basil Zagorodniuk explains the role of blockchain in increasing the efficiency and transparency of supply chains in the food industry

by Sarah Dunsby
5th Jun 23 9:46 am

Basil Zagorodniuk, businessman, IT and blockchain expert, founder of Grupo Codeware S.L., spoke about the importance and benefits of using blockchain in supply chain management in the food industry. He emphasises that blockchain can help increase efficiency and transparency in this industry, contributing to improved product quality and consumer safety.

Zagorodniuk explains that blockchain is an innovative technology that can solve many real-world business problems, including supply chain management and food safety. The example of food deliveries to stores, which are the main participants in this industry, shows how blockchain facilitates and improves the work of real businesses.

According to Basil, blockchain makes it possible to create transparent and secure systems for tracking the movement of goods from the producer to the end consumer. The blockchain records data on each stage of delivery: from the date and place of production to the date and place of sale. Thus, in case of problems with the product, it is possible to quickly find the cause of its damage and establish at what stage of the supply chain it happened.

For stores that sell food, ensuring the quality and safety of goods is an important issue. Basil Zagorodniuk emphasises that, unfortunately, situations inevitably arise when products can spoil, which leads to the need to return them and cause serious damage to the store. Thanks to blockchain technology, the customer can quickly return the damaged goods, which will significantly reduce the store’s losses.

Let’s imagine a situation where a batch of fresh fruits and vegetables is delivered to a store. A few days later, customers start complaining that the products have spoiled. The store needs to quickly find out the cause and return the products to the supplier to avoid incurring large losses.

Basil assures that blockchain can help the store in this situation, as it allows tracking the movement of goods throughout the supply chain. Data on each stage of delivery, from production to sale, is recorded in the blockchain. Thus, in case of problems with the product, it is possible to quickly find the cause of its damage and establish at what stage of the supply chain it happened.

According to Zagorodniuk, the store can track the history of literally every box of products, which undoubtedly helps to increase and strengthen trust on the part of suppliers and customers. In addition, the blockchain makes it possible to check products for compliance with environmental and other standards.

If a store finds out that the products have gone bad, it can easily track where they came from and send a return request to the supplier. All information about the product and its movement is stored in the blockchain, which makes it quick and easy to find the necessary data for returning the product. The whole procedure consists of a few mouse clicks and takes a few minutes. Without the use of blockchain technology, it would have taken much more time and effort.

Concluding his talk, Basil Zagorodniuk emphasises that by using blockchain in supply chain management, stores can quickly respond to product problems and create a fast and secure process for returning damaged goods. This allows not only to maintain customer confidence but also to reduce losses associated with products that need to be returned many times over.

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