Home Business NewsBusiness Asos fire eyewitness: "I could see smoke from a mile away, it was quite shocking"

Asos fire eyewitness: "I could see smoke from a mile away, it was quite shocking"

by LLB Editor
23rd Jun 14 10:20 am

Asos’ main distribution warehouse was destroyed on Friday night by a fire.

Matthew Hanley, who lives near the warehouse, said he could see the smoke from a mile away.

He told LondonlovesBusiness.com: “The warehouse itself is huge, it just recently had an expansion making it about 25% larger than it was when it was built. I live a couple of miles away from the warehouse itself and when I heard about it I thought I’d go and take my camera.

“Unbeknown to me the roads had been cut off at either end but because of where I live it was quicker walk over the nearby nature reserve and once I reached the top you could see the smoke rising from the place from about a mile away.

“It was quite shocking.”

Now read:

Dramatic images of fire that destroyed Asos warehouse

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