Home Business NewsPolitics News Apparently Cable wants to be Home Secretary, not Chancellor

Apparently Cable wants to be Home Secretary, not Chancellor

by LLB Editor
8th Jan 14 11:37 am

Business secretary Vince Cable has “given up” hopes of becoming the Chancellor of the Exchequer and has his eyes on set the post of home secretary.

“Vince wants the Home Office because of the migration thing. He has given up on the Treasury, but Home Secretary is a huge job – which he could do better,” a “senior source” close to Cable told MailOnline.

“He has real concerns about the way the rhetoric on immigration is affecting business and universities.”

The news comes after Cable warmed that David Cameron’s immigration target would not be met.

“Setting an arbitrary cap is not helpful, it almost certainly won’t achieve the below 100,000 level the Conservatives have set, so let’s be practical about it,” he said.

Another source told the paper that Clegg doesn’t see Cable as a threat to his leadership.

“The danger to Nick’s leadership has passed, he is in a stronger position than he has been at any point in the coalition,” he said.

“At the end of the day Vince will be part of the team up the election and beyond.”

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