Home Business NewsBusiness Almost half UK retailers believe more needs to be done to reduce carbon emissions

Almost half UK retailers believe more needs to be done to reduce carbon emissions

by LLB Reporter
23rd Aug 18 8:36 am

New research from Haven Power, one of the UK’s largest business electricity suppliers, reveals 46% of retailers think more needs to be done to reduce carbon emissions. In addition, 57% of UK retailers believe renewables are the key to a cleaner future.

Utility Decision Makers in the retail sector cited energy usage as their top business priority (52%), alongside employment (52%). Additionally, two fifths liked the idea of being in control of their energy production, making them one of the more forward-thinking sectors when it came to transitioning to renewable solutions.

Paul Sheffield, Chief Operating Officer at Haven Power, commented: “It’s encouraging to see that such a high proportion of retailers believe in renewables and that half of those surveyed are open to the idea of sustainable solutions, such as selling energy back to the grid. However, there is clearly still more that can be done to help demonstrate the wider opportunities and benefits of renewable energy.”

In the retail sector, senior managers are more involved in energy decisions (67%) than anything else including office location (55%) and hiring staff (45%). However, almost a third (27%) of retailers highlighted that cost and lack of time to research were the main barriers preventing them from implementing a sustainable change.

When asked to list whose responsibility it is to lower carbon emissions, retailers placed energy suppliers at the top of the list (58%), followed by the Government (54%) and manufacturers (46%).

Paul Sheffield continued: “Understanding of renewable energy and its benefits varies greatly from sector to sector, but it’s great to see retailers are taking steps to working with their energy providers to deliver a more sustainable future. We believe that every industry needs to implement change to help reduce carbon emissions and embrace cleaner energy. Here at Haven Power we are keen to help businesses understand the wider benefits of renewables.”

Haven Power is one of the UK’s largest business electricity suppliers, founded over ten years ago, it aims to help businesses control spend, manage risk and boost sustainability by using renewable electricity, energy efficiency and bespoke energy solutions.


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