Home Business NewsBusiness A quarter of millennial men say gender equality already here

A quarter of millennial men say gender equality already here

5th Mar 18 3:47 pm

According to new research

More than a quarter of British millennial men (27%) think gender parity already exists, according to new research from the7stars, the UK’s largest independent media agency.

Men aged between 18 and 34 were the demographic group most likely to agree that gender equality is already here, the study found. They are nearly twice as likely to hold this view compared with the national average of 14 per cent, and almost three times as likely to hold this view compared with female respondents in the same age bracket (10%).

Millennial men are, however, the male demographic most likely to consider themselves feminists (13%), with only millennial women marking themselves higher (20%) across all age and gender groups. By contrast, only 1 per cent of men aged 55+ identify as feminist.

When given the opportunity to choose between gender equality and one of ten societal issues* randomly selected from a list that included economic stability, climate change, tackling knife crime and child poverty, in each case respondents to the survey were more likely to choose one of the other options over gender equality.

The research findings – from the latest wave of The QT, a consumer confidence and attitude tracking study conducted on a quarterly basis by the7stars – come ahead of International Women’s Day. Of those surveyed, 29 per cent said they think international days for men and women should be replaced by a single international day for equality, and a third (34%) of Brits said there are other important issues in society to consider which do not have their own day.

The research also found that one fifth of Brits (20%) feel brands have a responsibility to promote gender equality. Millennial men are the most likely to agree with this (30%) than any other gender or age group. Conversely, only 12 per cent of 55+ males agreed.

Frances Revel of the7stars said:

“Gender equality and women’s rights have rightly risen up the news agenda in recent years but the splits by gender and age uncovered in our research show how views on this subject are far from universal across the nation. Our research also illustrates a confusion about the different movements in this space, and a latent scepticism from some demographics about feminism.

“But from beneath this pressing and complex societal issue emerges an intriguing opportunity for brands, not only to address the issue within their own businesses but to ensure that an awareness of gender equality is embedded throughout their media strategies.”

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