Home Business Insights & Advice 5 marketing lessons Pixar teaches us with its movies

5 marketing lessons Pixar teaches us with its movies

16th Mar 17 10:06 am

Learning from animation

Pixar is one of the most well-known names in the animation industry today. Based in California, this animation studio has carved a niche in no time and is now doing everything, from featured movies to television adverts.

While Pixar provides unmatched quality, many argue that its incredible marketing skills are another reason behind its massive success. The company strategically keeps its target audience’s interests into consideration and disappoints no one.

Here are five lesson marketers can learn from the world renowned marketing studio’s movies.

1. It’s all about synchronization

Pixar’s Inside Out is a movie that helps us learn the importance of ‘balance’ in life. This movie depicts the journey of a young girl named Riley who moves to a new place and has to cope with the challenges she faces. She makes friends and experiences a variety of emotions all together. May it be rage, happiness, sadness or disgust and learns to deal with all these emotions.

Marketing channels should work in a similar manner. It’s all about synchronizing your common tasks such as email and social platforms etc. just like Riley did with her emotions and gain profit with any troubles.

2. Face your Fears

Getting scared of things is a common disease in marketing. Monsters, Inc. displays a similar story.

While the monsters are bound to scare people, the movie depicts a different side. It’s the humans which scare the monsters. Now put it in the real-life scenario.

We are scared of ever changing technology, and if we are not able to learn it, we’ll fail to make a mark in the industry. It is important to overcome your fears and be scared of no one.

3. Set differences aside

The ups and downs in the relation between Woody and Buzz in Toy Story 3 depicts a perfect example of how CIO AND CMO never come to good terms with each other. But Pixar’s Toy Story 3 ends on a friendly note when they put their differences aside and become friends; such should be the case between CMO and CIO because they should share the leadership of the analytics together and have a mutual understanding.

4. Out of the Box thinking

Pixar’s Wall-E does justice to “thinking out of the box.” Wall E and Eve are two robots stranded on a planet, with not much to do. Despite the movie being almost dialogue-less, it still holds your interests teaching you to work in even difficult situations.

Marketers should learn from this and work their way around creative and innovative ideas.

5. Never Give up

Finding Nemo teaches us the importance of hustling forward. This movie tells the story of a fish called Marlin who goes on a journey to search for his son, Nemo.

Despite facing monstrous problems and obstacles Marlin never gives up and keeps swimming and searching, at last he finds his son.

Marketers have a deep lesson hidden in this movie that no matter how many upsets they face, or how many failures they come across whether it may be in campaigns, or budgets, they must continue to move ahead.

Companies like Spiel seem to be learning from the big dogs, and you shouldn’t shy away either. Pixar doesn’t just entertain, but also teaches us with its movies.

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