Home Old Breaking News 31% Londoners would be uncomfortable with a muslim London mayor – here’s why they are WRONG

31% Londoners would be uncomfortable with a muslim London mayor – here’s why they are WRONG

13th Aug 15 12:04 pm

If you’re a remotely tolerant person, this news story is going to annoy you.

A third of Londoners don’t want a muslim mayor, a survey by LBC radio has revealed.

Over 31% of Londoners polled by YouGov for the radio channel said that Londoners would be “uncomfortable if the next London mayor was a muslim”. The good news is 55% said they would be comfortable.

Ukip voters (obviously) had the most problems with a muslim becoming mayor with 73% saying a muslim mayor would make them uncomfortable.

The poll also found that 71% Londoners would be comfortable if the mayor was homosexual, compared to 16% who would be uncomfortable.

Editor’s comment: What on earth does religion have to do with the competence of London’s next mayor?

It baffles me that religion is considered an important criterion before voting for the next London mayor.

What on earth does religion have to do with the competence of the London mayor?

How would religion govern the mayor’s decision on important London issues like sorting out Tube strikes, solving London’s housing crisis, stopping terrorist attacks or getting more investment into London?

Be it a Joe Khan or a Joe Bloggs, a London mayor who has the gumption to tackle issues that are hindering London’s progress as the best place to do business should be a key factor for voters.

Also, ideas like this might not only discourage people to vote for muslims but also discourage capable muslim mayoral candidates, today and in the future, to take up prestigious positions like being in charge of the capital. After all, you don’t want to encourage the “I’m muslim, no one’s going to vote for me” mentality.

Frankly, views like this also dent London’s reputation as one of the most multi-cultural cities in the world. One look on Twitter proves that there are so many people who, in this day and age, have qualms with a muslim mayor being in charge of London.

But thankfully, there are other Londoners/Britons who feel the same way as I do. Take a look at these tweets:







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