Home Business NewsBusiness 10 statistics that show Brexit will be a boon for Britain

10 statistics that show Brexit will be a boon for Britain

9th Sep 16 9:30 am

Check out these stats

As a nation we ultimately voted out when it came to EU Referendum, many of those who wanted us to stay worried about another possible recession. Here are 10 stats that show our economy is improving:

  1. Boost to art industry – Ditching the EU will help ministers debate royalty levies imposed on artists. This could mean artists could save €1,000 on every piece of artwork they sell

  2. Dixons Carphone, the phone giant, saw no “no detectable impact” from the referendum result on UK consumers. Its sales rose by 4 percent in the three months to the end of July

  3. Business investment increased by 0.5 per cent, despite expectations it would fall.

  4. Household spending also shrugged off Brexit jitters to grow 0.9 per cent in the three months to June, rising from 0.7 per cent in the quarter before

  5. Britain’s dominant services sector, which accounts for around 79 per cent of the UK economy, also grew by 0.5 per cent in the second quarter, edging down from 0.6 per cent in the first three months of the year.

  6. Warm weather spurred retail sales towards a higher-than-expected rise of 1.4 per cent in July while those on jobseeker’s allowance also tumbled 8,600 to 763,000 between June and July.

  7. The pound was up 0.1 per cent against the dollar at 1.32 US dollars and slightly ahead against the euro at 1.169 euro. 

  8. Exporters and overseas shoppers see a Brexit boost, worldpay, a card payment processor, said that in the month after the vote the average transaction value on non-UK cards was up by 8.8 per cent compared with the preceding month.

  9. UK Tourism has seen a boost since Brexit with more people spending on stay-at-home holidays, last year people were spending an average of £575 but this year the figure has increased up to £613.

  10. Cult Wines pointed out that the Liv-ex Fine Wine 100 index gained 3.6% in the month after the Brexit vote. That is its biggest upward move in nearly five years, to 269.07, and its highest level since August 2013.



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