Home Business Insights & Advice Why should you be certified in JavaScript even if you know the language already

Why should you be certified in JavaScript even if you know the language already

by Sponsored Content
13th Jul 19 9:29 am

Truth be told, the job market in today’s world is no less than a warzone. Jobs are present and they are increasing on a daily basis. But so are the people who are vying for the same job as you are. Programming jobs are the most popular ones and especially in domains where the use-cases are quite varied. Recruiters have a tough time separating the chaff from the ones that are really good, and the current crowded scenario benefits no one.

JavaScript is a pretty common language to be picked up and a lot of programmers do end up learning it by themselves. However, recruiters have had experiences where many developers fail to apply the principles of programming and do not meet the expectations required by the company, even if they may know the basics of the language. This has led to a propensity in turning a blind eye towards simple mentions of expertise in technology. Contrast that with a resume that clearly states that a person has achieved a certain level of certification in a particular technology. You would end up being the first choice for any recruiter out there.

This is one of the many reasons why having a JavaScript certification is absolutely important in today’s age. Here’s more.

Building a sharp focus for your career

JavaScript is a fantastic programming language. The potential it has in various areas of application is truly stupendous. But what makes it so powerful can also be one of the reasons that leave many developers in the lurch and not knowing what to do with it. Many starters who end up learning the ropes of the language by themselves really have a good head-start in entering the world of programming technology, but no idea of where it can go ahead from there.

Having such an expansive technology like JavaScript to work with, things can quickly begin to seem overwhelming. Every path might seem to hold potential for the future, but it may not necessarily be the one where you can do your best. With a certification course in JavaScript, you can resolve this dilemma quite easily. It helps you let go of this fear and motivates you in discovering and pursuing the aspect that you want to learn the most.

Easier acquisition of new and advanced programming skills

The learning curve of JavaScript is one of the greatest advantages it provides for many budding and fresh programmers of today. Understanding the basics of it and putting them into action can be done with ease, which also helps in building the initial confidence in the language. Once that is done, moving ahead from there to achieve prowess in the advanced applications of the same is not as easy as it seems. There are various reasons for it.

The advanced areas open up multiple doors in the form of different frameworks and libraries, all of which may not be as easy to pick up and learn as it was the initial part of the language itself. A certification course proves helpful in this regard. Not only does it provide the training in the manner in which it should be delivered, but it also turns out to be a mark of authenticity that you can present on your resume fearlessly. Any recruiter who sees a certified professional in advanced JS applications or a specific framework is assured about your expertise and rarely needs any further proof. This level of validation can be achieved only via certification.

Large array of varied and lucrative prospects

One of the major problems that trouble most companies looking to recruit developers and programmers proficient in JavaScript, is the fact that there is a certain amount of training or re-learning that would have to be imparted before they are job-ready. The opportunities range across multiple areas, right from application development, to server organization, full-stack developers who can handle it all, designers for the web and user-interfaces for apps, and so on. Simply having knowledge of JavaScript isn’t enough in these cases.

A professional certified in JavaScript knows what they are going to be good at and will apply specifically for those job roles. Highly proficient professionals can opt for full-stack development opportunities, which are one of the most lucrative roles of today. Others wanting to develop a career path in a specific niche of development could take up certification in that kind as well. Both help in making the best of what the recruiters are offering, as well as garner a good pay-scale against the certification you hold.

As intelligent as you might be, every person requires some or the other level of guidance in their life. A JavaScript course is precisely that kind of light that helps you find the path you are looking for  and prepares you to traverse it confidently and reach the next goal in your career journey.

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