Home Business Insights & Advice Why co-working could be a better option than a traditional office space

Why co-working could be a better option than a traditional office space

by Sarah Dunsby
9th Jul 18 8:56 am

If you’ve ventured into any city centre you may have passed a variety of different co-working spaces. These spaces have been popping up across the world due to the growing amount of freelancers, startups and digital nomads and their need for a flexible work space.

One of the pain points of any startup or freelance business was the isolation that many find themselves working in. Many times, these freelancers and startup business owners will be confined to a room in their home or a busy coffee shop. These co-working spaces not only provide an ideal space for working, but the opportunity for networking, something many busy entrepreneurs find little time for.

How a co-working space can help grow your contacts?

One of the biggest benefits that co-working offers, is the chance to meet and collaborate with people outside your niche or industry. These collaborations can often lead to a huge boost to your business or even just to your contacts book.

Networking whilst you are trying to grow a business is crucial, the contacts you build could help you reach the next level in your business goals. Co-working spaces actively help business owners to mingle and build relationships, something that is hard to do if you are isolated in your own office space.

These spaces hold events, either simple networking events, seminars, round tables or panels, that all help you to learn and grow as a business owner. They can also help you to connect with potential business partners or even investors.

Why are co-working spaces a better option than a traditional office space?

If you’re just starting out, a freelancer or a digital nomad, you may not want to commit to a long-term and often expensive contract. This can be an added expense that takes away funds from growing your business.

With traditional office space, there is often hidden costs and added extras that can make things too expensive for those just starting out in business. Co-working space offers you a cheaper alternative, whether you’re a sole trader or have a small team to look after. There are plenty of flexible contracts to fit around your business and with a co-working space on every corner, there is plenty of choice.

What to look for in the perfect co-working space?

Take advantage of everything co-working spaces have to offer, look out for the little things that might help you progress and grow your business, such as:

  • Regular cleaners
  • In-house cafe or restaurant
  • Free wi-fi & printing
  • Meeting rooms
  • Call rooms
  • Regular networking events
  • Free event space for hire
  • Connections with investors or professionals

Features like free event space for hire may not seem like a necessity, but it is a very handy thing to have available. If you decided that holding an event would boost your business, having that free space will take a huge weight off your shoulders.

When visiting or enquiring about a co-working space, have a list of things you want to be able to do with your business over the next few years and what tools you’ll need to help you get there. You can then ensure your co-working space fits your business needs and will support you in your growth.

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