Home Business NewsTech News Watch out London, Euronext expands into other countries

Watch out London, Euronext expands into other countries

4th Sep 17 9:56 am

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Euronext, the leading pan-European exchange in the Eurozone, announced today the opening of new offices in five European cities outside its core markets – in Germany (Frankfurt, Munich), Italy (Milan), Spain (Madrid) and Switzerland (Zurich) – to assist Tech companies in developing their business on a greater scale through capital markets. The countries were selected for their growth opportunities in the Tech sector.

Recent record-breaking years have demonstrated that Europe is becoming a critical location for pioneering innovations. To make Europe a world-wide hub for innovation, Euronext is committed to help bridge the late-stage funding gap, an ongoing obstacle for European Tech SMEs wanting to grow at a global level. Euronext also offers a solution to the liquidity gap faced by business angels and venture capitalists eager to have an attractive capital markets option in Europe to sell their investments in European Tech companies.

Euronext will leverage its expertise and the initiatives successfully implemented in its core domestic markets in recent years. With currently more than 330 listed companies operating in Technology, Media & Telecommunications, Cleantech and Life Sciences, representing a consolidated market capitalisation of more than €50bn, Euronext has the largest number of Tech SMEs in Europe and stands as the world’s largest listing venue for Medtech and second largest for Biotech. Well underway to becoming the reference listing venue for Tech companies in Europe, Euronext has had more than 80 Tech companies go public on its markets since 2014, of which eight were from the four new countries in Europe.

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