Home Business News Unemployment will hit 1930s levels ‘unless furlough extended’

Unemployment will hit 1930s levels ‘unless furlough extended’

by LLB Politics Reporter
20th Sep 20 12:50 pm

Len McClusky, General Secretary of Unite has warned that UK unemployment will reach “1930s levels unless furlough is extended” by the government.

He warned that the “clock is ticking” as the furlough scheme is coming to an end and millions of workers are “having sleepless nights”

McClusky has asked why UK workers are being treated as “second-class citizens” as European governments have extended their schemes.

The General Secretary has warned Prime Minister Boris Johnson that he will preside over “the highest record unemployment figures and record poverty levels that we’ve never seen since the 30s.”

McClusky has also called on Johnson’s government for a more “imaginative” approach to help industries that have been impacted by the pandemic.

The union leader told Sky News Sophy Ridge on Sunday programme, “Anything is welcome to protect workers, but what the chancellor needs to do is be much more focused.

“We need sectoral financial packages for aviation, aerospace, hospitality all of whom are in real trouble.

“The government needs to be far more proactive and far more imaginative than they currently are.”

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