Home Business NewsPolitics News UKIP pays Eastern European workers to distribute anti-immigration party leaflets

UKIP pays Eastern European workers to distribute anti-immigration party leaflets

by LLB Editor
8th May 14 11:03 am

UKIP launched a £1.5m anti-immigration election campaign last month. “26 million people in Europe are looking for work. And whose job are they after?” read one of the posters.

But who has UKIP been paying to distribute these leaflets? Some Eastern European workers.

According to Huffington Post UK, door-to-door distribution firm Fast Leaflet’s Latvian and Eastern European employees have been distributing leaflets for the party.

Andrew Spalis, owner, Fast Leaflet, told Huffington Post: “I’ve got my phone book full of names and telephone numbers of people who want to make lots of money, and I call them when I need people. Sometimes I take English people, but not very often.”

Gavin Barwell, Tory MP for Croydon Central, said: “UKIP’s hypocrisy knows no bounds. They say they are against Europeans taking our jobs and then, when they have a chance to offer some British people work delivering their leaflets because they can’t find volunteers to do it, they employ European workers. You couldn’t make it up!”

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