Home Business News UK commuters demand more investment in rail services

UK commuters demand more investment in rail services

by LLB Reporter
25th Jun 19 10:58 am

The majority of commuters want to see investments in technology make journeys quicker, cheaper and more reliable, according to not-yet-released data, commissioned by Fujitsu. The research, conducted by Censuswide, found that a significant nine-in-10 commuters think it is important to use the latest technology to improve services.

When it comes to travel, the research suggested that functionality comes before everything else. Two-thirds (66 percent) of the public want to see new technology used to improve the reliability of services, whilst a similar number (63 percent) want to see technology find them cheaper routes so they pay less for each journey. What’s more, half (52 percent) think new technology should improve safety on public transport.

Rabih Arzouni, Fujitsu’s Chief Technology Officer for Transport said, “We live in an on-demand society, where the public is accustomed to accessing services instantaneously through digital platforms, whether that’s ordering a takeaway on Deliveroo or booking a ticket to see the latest blockbuster at Cineworld. This expectation for more reliable, cheaper and faster services is spilling out into other industries, with the transport sector no exception to this.

“As a result, it is becoming increasingly vital for public and private organisations to work together to ensure our public transport system becomes more adaptable, flexing around people’s actual needs rather than rigidly sticking to a set route, regardless of demand.”

Arzouni added, “The fact that nine-in-10 commuters want to see the latest technology used to improve our public transport system, means there is a huge opportunity for transport providers across the country to leverage new and innovative technologies to improve how the public travels. With so much historical data on past journeys in their hands, transport operators should work with partners from government, city authorities to technology companies, to develop an understanding of how people get from one place to another and create the relevant services to align with this accordingly.

“At the end of the day, once transport organisations start to work together, the concept of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) no-longer seems so far-fetched and challenging. By acting on passenger appetite for account style on-demand services, transport organisations will be putting the first platforms in place for truly seamless journeys. And as part of this, technology will be key.”

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