Home Business Insights & Advice Tips for an effective SMS marketing campaign

Tips for an effective SMS marketing campaign

by Sponsored Content
27th Mar 19 1:58 pm

Instant messages have always been one of the most popular ways of communication among people. Text messages, particularly SMS work tremendously on the phones which are no generally smartphones. However, the service of SMS can also be availed in smartphones.

If you are also one of those manufacturers who want to sell their products and want to send SMS for the promotion of the manufactured products, SMS marketing campaign is for you. Short message service is a quick and low-cost instant messaging service which provides an effective platform to people who want to use the SMS marketing campaign for the promotion of their business. The easiest way to do it is to use a mass notification app.

Here we are going to give you some tips that will help you boost the sales of your products by using SMS marketing strategy.

1.  Focus the best clients of the business:

Any seller considers those clients to be the best clients who stay loyal to the products he sells, gives continuous feedback and also promote the products if he finds them to be of good quality. It is important for the seller to identify those customers so that he can put in more time and dedication for such customers. You should take some time and ask more questions to such customers in order to get in-depth knowledge about the things the customers think about the particular company.

Most of the customers find very boring to respond to these questions. In order to encourage them, you can reward them with special offers and discounts.

2.  Mention a call-to-action clearly:

When you want your ideal customers to take part in the marketing campaign, write the call-to-action in the message. This call-to-action should be clear and easy to understand. For example, if you want your customers to call on a specific number to place to order, mention the number separately in the message.

In general, there is a keyword which is followed by most of the sellers when it comes to running the effective SMS campaign. It is important for the seller to mention the keyword in such a way that they stand out in the message and don’t get buried away in the long text message

3.  Segment your audience

Many companies don’t get the fruitful results of the SMS marketing campaign because of not following the right strategies. One of the worst strategies in terms of sending the SMS for marketing purpose is to write a message, copy paste it and then send it to all the customers at once.

With this technique, you may end up sending the irrelevant message to your customers which will definitely make them lose interest in your campaign. It is recommended to categorize your customers in different segments on the basis of purchase history, a mobile campaign they are taking part in and also on the basis of their location.

4.  Keep your SMS simple:

As told earlier, it is important for you to keep your call-to-action simple and brief in the message. However, the entire message should be brief and concise. When it comes to connecting with your customers, the most important thing to be done is sending them a message which is simple enough to rely on.

A text message is generally restricted to the limit of 160 characters. So, when you decide to send the message to your intended customers, make sure that you keep it short yet a little bit sweeter.

5.  Keep the timing right

In general, the SMS marketing campaign is liked by most of the people because it sends the message immediately, the receiver receives the message immediately, and it takes 3 minutes on average for a person to read the text message received on his mobile phone.

It is recommended to send the message right before an important event. For example, if you are going to organize an event in the morning, inform the people a night before it. This keeps the audience alert. The recommended time to send the SMS is between 9 am to 8 pm.

The timing plays an important role when you want to make your SMS marketing campaign successful. Sometimes, your service provider can also delay your message and become the cause of the failure of your campaign. So, you should use quick SMS service. Jooksms.com is a sms service provider that is always the first choice of digital marketers. It is an easy and very flexible service that provides many additional benefits to its customers.


The main purpose of using the SMS marketing campaign is to increase the engagements of the customers and also help them boost their strategies to perform marketing. With effective use of SMS service, you can take your business to the next level by boosting your sales and winning over your customers.

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