Home Business News Threat of nuclear war ‘highest since Cold War’

Threat of nuclear war ‘highest since Cold War’

by LLB Politics Reporter
25th Apr 19 1:00 pm

The threat of a Cold War is the highest it has been in 30-years over tensions with Russia and the West, according to a report by the House of Lords.

The Lords International Relations Committee who wrote the report said, “dangerously close to a world without arms control agreements” this could lead to a “new arms race.”

Nuclear arms controls between Russia and the West needs to engage in open conversation, the report said.

The report warned that any misunderstanding between countries could lead to a worsening security environment, or even the use of nuclear weapons as global progress has been stalled.

Chairman of the Committee, Lord Howell of Guildford said, “We are now dangerously close to a world without arms control agreements, paving the way for a new arms race and for increased risk of nuclear weapons use.

“Disintegrating relationships between nuclear possessor states, new capabilities and technologies, mixed with a lack of communication and understanding, mean that the risk of nuclear weapons being used is greater now than it has been since the Cold War.”

Peers have called on the government to encourage communication with countries that poses nuclear weapons, to reduce global tensions.

They have particularly demanded that the government engages with Russia over their nuclear strategic capability.

A review of Britain’s Trident nuclear deterrent needs to be undertaken over concerns Trident, could be vulnerable to a cyber-attack.

Lord Howell also said, “The 2019 Preparatory Committee for the 2020 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference next week is an opportunity to push for an increase in dialogue and transparency between the Nuclear Weapon States to show a demonstrable commitment to disarmament.

“We urge the Government to take our serious concerns into consideration and use the Preparatory Committee to address them.”

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