Home Business NewsTech News This amazing biological battery can fully charge a dead phone in 26 seconds

This amazing biological battery can fully charge a dead phone in 26 seconds

9th Apr 14 9:50 am

The Israeli tech scene just keeps chucking out complete marvels. The latest hot tech tool from Tel Aviv is a battery that can fully charge a dead mobile phone in under half a minute.

Start-up StoreDot believes it should be able to integrate the battery within a smartphone within a year, and have a “commercially ready device” ready to take to market in three years.

The battery uses the “first bio-organic nano crystal ever discovered”, its website explains.

StoreDot’s device currently takes the shape of a “battery pack the size of a cigarette packet”, the BBC reports, which is then connected to the phone.

In a demo at a tech conference in Tel Aviv, this device charged up the Samsung S4 from dead to full power in a staggering 26 seconds.


Source: StoreDot

Image of batteries from StoreDot’s website

StoreDot explains its technology thus: “StoreDot is a company with a ground-breaking technology, based on its discovery of new generation, self-assembled Nanodots of biological origin. […]

“These nano- crystals are uniform in size, two nanometers in diameter, and consist of bioorganic peptide molecules. They possess multi-functional intrinsic properties such as: unique fluorescence within the visible region; electrochemical, charge trapping, piezoelectric, nonlinear optical and others.”

We must admit we don’t quite follow all that, but if you do, you can find out more here.

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StoreDot believes its “bioorganic Nanodots have the potential to enhance current technologies of smartphones and TV displays, batteries, bio-LEDs, and bio-lasers”.

“Furthermore, their biocompatibility presents a unique opportunity to apply them in nanomedicinal technology, drug delivery, food security labeling and more.”

Exciting stuff.


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