Home Business NewsBusiness Theresa May's entourage in full – these are the people responsible for running Britain

Theresa May's entourage in full – these are the people responsible for running Britain

15th Jul 16 10:19 am

Cabinet in full

Theresa May

Source: Photoshot

Prime Minister Theresa May revealed her full cabinet this week after a range of hirings and firings.

Here’s who’s now responsible for running Britain.


Theresa May – Prime Minister.

Philip Hammond – Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Amber Rudd – Home Secretary.

Boris Johnson – Foreign Secretary.

Michael Fallon – Defence Secretary.

David Davis – Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union.

Liam Fox – Secretary of State for International Trade.

David Gauke – Chief Secretary to the Treasury.

Jeremy Hunt – Health Secretary.

Justine Greening – Education Secretary.

Damian Green – Work and Pensions Secretary.

Liz Truss – Justice Secretary.

Chris Grayling – Transport Secretary.

Greg Clark – Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

Andrea Leadsom – Environment Secretary.

Priti Patel – Secretary of State for International Development.

Karen Bradley – Culture Secretary.

Sajid Javid – Communities Secretary.

Jeremy Wright – Attorney General.

Gavin Williamson – Chief Whip.

Patrick McLoughlin – Party chairman.

Alun Cairns – Welsh Secretary.

David Mundell – Scottish Secretary.

James Brokenshire – Northern Ireland Secretary.

David Lidington – Leader of the Commons.

Baroness Evans – Leader of the Lords.

Ben Gummer – Minister for the Cabinet Office.

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