Home Breaking News The West deploys tens of thousands of troops and dozens of warships amid ‘heightening North Korean nuclear and missile threat’

The West deploys tens of thousands of troops and dozens of warships amid ‘heightening North Korean nuclear and missile threat’

by Cass
16th Jun 22 11:26 am

The North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has hit out at the West over the deployment of 38 warships, 25,000 troops and 170 fighter jets to the region.

There are fears that the North Korean despot leader is set to detonate a nuclear bomb amid the “constant danger of military conflicts.”

Jong-un issued a warning to the West this week that North Korea are preparing to detonate a nuclear bomb and the US vowed that they will “respond quickly” with their allies.

South Korean Foreign Minister Park Jin warned that North Korea have finalised their preparations to conduct a nuclear launch.

Park said, “If North Korea ventures into another nuclear test, I think it will only strengthen our deterrence and also international sanctions.

“North Korea should change its mind and make the right decision.”

Ri Myong-hak, from North Korea’s state-run Institute for Disarmament and Peace, said, “Due to the aggressive and hegemonic Indo-Pacific strategy of the US, the region is being exposed to the constant danger of military conflicts.

“This, in turn, is of negative influence to the Korean Peninsula.”

The US are set to lead the Rim of the Pacific military exercises and the war games will start on 29 June until 4 August which will involve 26 nations.

The forces “will exercise a wide range of capabilities and demonstrate the inherent flexibility of maritime forces”.

South Korea and Japan will take part in the military exercises which has been called the “world’s largest international maritime exercise” by the US Navy.

Myong-hak blasted the US for waging “war exercises” in the Pacific Ocean on more than 10 occasions this year.

In a post on the foreign ministry’s website he wrote, “The world should discern who is the real culprit of violating peace and remain vigilant about the military moves of the US.”

South Korea’s Defence Ministry spokesperson Moon Hong-sik said, “The Korean Peninsula security environment is seeing a significantly heightening North Korean nuclear and missile threat.

“So we have decided that it’s time the three countries publicize the exercises that we have been conducting in response.”

The North Korean despot said that they are ready to fire a nuclear weapon at any moment and on Sunday they test fired artillery shells towards the sea.

The US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said, “He said, “We’re in very close touch with our close allies and partners starting with the Republic of Korea – also with Japan and others – to be able to respond quickly should the North Koreans proceed with such a test.

“We’re preparing for all contingencies in very close coordination with others and we are prepared to make both short and longer-term adjustments to our military posture.”

He added, “the pressure will be sustained, it will continue and, as appropriate, it will be increased.”

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