Home Business NewsBusiness The end of London as we know it? Floods could destroy our city in 85 years

The end of London as we know it? Floods could destroy our city in 85 years

by LLB Editor
15th May 13 11:35 am

If you’re fretting about London’s BCC warns economic activity will remain very weak throughout 2024 and 2025 then think again. Why?

Scientists have now found that London is at risk of flooding as the rise in sea levels is “worse than feared”. (For what it would mean for London businesses, read: London’s flood risk could land businesses in deep water).

The news comes after we heard that Londoners could be drinking recycled sewage in years to come to cope with the water shortage.

Research from scientists from the European Ice2sea programme and academics from the British Antarctic Survey and University of Bristol found that melting ice from the poles could result in sea levels rising up to three feet by the end of the century, potentially wreaking havoc across low-lying London.

This means that London would need to build defences further to the Thames Barrier, as it might see a major flood once every decade.

Professor David Vaughan, of the British Antarctic Survey, said, “Today as the glaciers and ice sheets lose their ice, the water that they once held has melted and flowed in to rivers and seas, increasing their volume and raising global sea levels.

“Current rates of sea level rise are already having impacts on the most vulnerable communities and ecosystems.

“It is likely some future ice loss and sea level rise is now unavoidable.

“But nevertheless, understanding why changes are occurring today and how they could increase in the future is the first step in maintaining the security of our coastal regions for future generations.”

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