Home Brexit Supreme Court to rule over parliament suspension on Tuesday

Supreme Court to rule over parliament suspension on Tuesday

by LLB Reporter
23rd Sep 19 2:39 pm

The Supreme Court Britain’s highest court are to rule on Tuesday whether or not Boris Johnson’s decision to prorogue parliament for five weeks is unlawful.

At 10:30 tomorrow morning the panel of 11 Supreme Court justices will give their ruling after last weeks historic hearing.

The Supreme Court said, “The judgment in ‘R (on behalf of Miller) v The Prime Minister’ and ‘Cherry and others v Advocate General for Scotland’ will be handed down at 10.30am on Tuesday 24 September in Courtroom 1.”

The 11 justices have been asked to find whether or not the prorogation for five weeks and the advice given to the Queen were unlawful.

At the close of the unprecedented proceedings last week Lady Hale said, “I must repeat that this case is not about when and on what terms the United Kingdom leaves the European Union.

“The result of this case will not determine that.

“We are solely concerned with the lawfulness of the prime minister’s decision to advise Her Majesty to prorogue parliament on the dates in question.”

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