Home Business Insights & Advice Six simple ideas to consider as you look to boost your business sales

Six simple ideas to consider as you look to boost your business sales

by Sponsored Content
20th May 20 2:43 pm

The modern business world can often feel like a pretty complicated place to navigate. After all, organisations have a whole host of plates to spin in order to keep their operations on the right track and moving forward.

However, while there is plenty going on, there is one key element that simply has to remain a core priority on any business agenda – how you intend to boost sales and enjoy growth.

Finding the right approach

Increasing sales and attracting new clients can be a big plus for any business, but finding the best way to go about it is not always easy. There are so many different tools and strategies that organisations can consider, with success being dependent on a range of factors.

Saying that, there are some fairly straightforward approaches you could look at to get a sales uplift and here are our ideas on just six of them.

1. Offer the right payment methods

The world of payments is in a real state of flux at the moment, as consumers are becoming increasingly comfortable with more modern ways to pay. A study released by PPRO in April found that while around nine out of ten people use debit and credit cards for online purchases, many also make use of PayPal and are confident with mobile wallets.

Perhaps most importantly, the research revealed that 44 per cent of customers will stop a purchase if their favourite payment method is unavailable – so businesses should get to know how their clients want to pay.

2. The power of promotions

Everyone loves a good deal and the right kind of promotion can act as a huge incentive for consumers to sign up to services or buy specific products.

Offers can come in all shapes and sizes, so why not consider whether there is a promotion that you could introduce in relation to your services? A discount for new customers might do the trick, while you might even want to look at seasonal offers based on boosting business at a specific time of year.

3. Get your forms in order

Providing forms on a website for people to request a demo of your services can be effective, but every effort should be made to ensure they are as user-friendly as possible.

As Lusha explains, cutting the number of fields that people have to complete can boost conversions significantly, while data enrichment tools offered by the company can allow businesses to also collect a host of information automatically. This means you could even cut the fields on a form down to just a single question – a step that is thought to increase conversions by more than 50 per cent.

4. Review your marketing

Sometimes something as simple as reviewing your website or making changes to your marketing can have a big impact on sales. As Digital Information World reports, a recent study by Sprout Social found that 89 per cent of people prefer to buy products from brands they follow on social media. With that in mind, consider your presence on those platforms and if you could be doing more with them.

Source: Pixabay

According to Netimperative, research has also shown that email marketing open rates have experienced growth in recent months, so that is another tool you may not want to ignore.

5. Get mobile-friendly

A study published by App Annie earlier this year revealed that we spent an average of three hours and 40 minutes a day on mobile devices during 2019, with that marking an increase of 35 per cent from 2017.

We very clearly live in a mobile world, so you should ensure your services are easily accessible through smartphones and tablets – either via a well-designed app or an optimised site.

6. Don’t forget existing customers

While plenty of the approaches above are based around attracting new clients, you should not forget about the customers you already have.

Information compiled by Invespcro suggests that customer acquisition can cost five times more than retention, while the probability of selling to an existing client is far higher than the prospect of securing business from a new one.

Boost your business today

Running a business can undoubtedly be tough, but there are some straightforward, little changes that could have a big impact on your operations.

The ideas above are just a handful that you could consider as you look to boost your sales and move to the next level.

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