Home Business Insights & Advice Six secrets to help you create the perfect home office

Six secrets to help you create the perfect home office

by Sponsored Content
25th Sep 19 9:34 am

Any successful entrepreneur will tell you that if you want to work successfully at home, you need to have the right environment to work in. In addition, any successful entrepreneur will tell you that it’s still not easy to concentrate when you’re working from home!

So, what do you need to create the perfect home office? Well, here you’ll find 6 secrets to help you do just that. Enjoy!

Maintain those boundaries

As mentioned above, working from home isn’t easy. There are so many distractions, it’s a miracle that anything happens at all. So, when you’re setting up your home office you need to set and then maintain boundaries so that your family aren’t bothering you every 10 minutes. Once you’ve chosen your work space, cement the fact that it is where you go to work and you should not be disturbed, being able to close the door is ideal and putting up some simple door signs such as “do not disturb” will also help keep your family at bay.

Have plenty of equipment

From printer ink to pens, paper, notebooks and sticky notes. Having plenty of equipment at the ready is an absolute must. There’s nothing more frustrating than going to print an important document only to find there’s no paper and no ink. You’re in charge of your office space, meaning there’s no one else who will do this task, but you. So make sure everything is always topped up and available as and when you need it.

Keep it clutter free

Clutter is bad for the mind. It creates disorganisation, makes everything stressful and it just looks unprofessional. Make the effort to clear your desk every couple of hours to keep on top of the clutter. Get rid of empty mugs, you Tupperware, old sticky notes and even the kids toys that have crept in (this will happen!). Keeping your workspace clean and tidy will help with productivity and make your office space a pleasant place to be.

Make it comfortable

Sitting at a desk all day doesn’t do your back any favours and having a comfortable seat that supports you properly will help you to concentrate and won’t create an injury that might give you problems in the future. Invest in ergonomic furniture. You could also add a small sofa or an armchair to your office space to make it look and feel homier.

Get dressed!

Working in your pjs all day sounds ideal. However, it might surprise you how much it actually influences your productivity levels. Sitting down to work dressed properly and ready to take on the day will make you more productive and feel more professional.

Try using multiple monitors

When you have lots of tasks to do, having multiple monitors at your disposal will be a huge advantage. You can easily move from one task to another and not get frustrated with all the different windows you might have open at one time. It also looks pretty cool and you’ll feel like a tech genius.

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