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Home Business Insights & Advice SCDAM framework the critical parameter to assess the skill set of a social media agency

SCDAM framework the critical parameter to assess the skill set of a social media agency

by Sponsored Content
27th Sep 18 11:43 am

Are you about to choose a social media agency to help establish your online presence? Well, it is vital that you define your expectations in a clear way before making your choice. You need to evaluate the social media agency on a unique framework known as SCDAM.

This framework has five parts. These parts are Strategy, Creation, Distribution, Activation and Measurement.

Assessing the strategy

When we talk about Strategy, then what we mean is that you should ask the social media agency about their most impactful strategies that they make use of on a regular basis. The trait of the best agencies is that they offer a unique blend of public and proven strategies.

These strategies have proprietary offerings. For example, the social media agency should be able to conduct an effective SWOT analysis. The service should have a clear understanding about Growth Matrix Frameworks as well.

The significant part is that you should not select a social media agency that is oblivious to these basics.

 Evaluating the ability of creation

When you are about to choose a social media agency for your business, then it is essential that you assess their creative flair as well. Now, there are specific traits that should be present in a digital marketing agency.

The service should have a team that can effectively write concise and extensive content. The team should be good at illustrations as well. Photography should be the forte of the digital marketing agency.

The service should be good at podcast production also. Video publishing and editing is also a very tedious task and plays a vital role in marketing a business. The agency that you choose should have a team that has the necessary skill when it comes to video publishing.

Now, it is also significant that you should be realistic about your expectations. A digital marketing service cannot be skilled in all the aspects, so you need to look for elements that you need the most.

It is crucial that you ask the digital marketing agency about their sub-contractors and partner network. After this query, you will have a clear idea whether the service has a stable partner network that can address the gaps of the agency.

Figuring out if the agency is skilled at distribution

It is also vital that the social media agency should be able to address the distribution needs of a business. By distribution, we mean that the service should be able to spread content. When we talk about distribution, then it is all about operational excellence.

Distribution addresses many different concerns of a business. For example, the agency helps you choose the different platforms for marketing your business. When you are trying to identify the Distribution skill of the agency, then you should ask them how they interact online and publish their content.

As a business owner, you should ask the service what methodology and data they use to make relevant decisions regarding content publishing. When you have to promote your business, then it is crucial that you should understand the audience.

You should question the social media agency about how they understand different segments and their audience. A skilled agency can refine its targets and should be able to provide counselling to the business owner in this regard.

If a service promises immediate results, then you should remember that you are walking in the wrong direction. A good social media agency is eager to indulge in detailed research and thought process because they know that no plan will be effective without this approach.

Analyse the activation capabilities

Another essential part of SCDAM is activation. When you have to assess the service on their activation skills, then you need to judge them on three different parameters. The service needs to be skilled in paid advertising so that it can boost the engagement process without a problem.

They should be able to bring about conversions when it comes to social media ads. It is also crucial that the service should be able to find influencers in your relevant vertical. The agency should also be able to indulge in employee advocacy in the case of small companies.

Figuring Out the Sense of Measurement

The last but important element of SCDAM is measurement. By measurement, we mean how the agency measures the aspect of success. Ideally, the agency should ask you about your business goals. After inquiring about the goals, they should provide you with the analytics and metrics.

The social media agency should also be able to connect your goals to different activities. The service should be able to connect the tools intelligently.

If a social media agency follows all the elements of SCDAM, then you should give them a chance. One of the best agencies that deserve a chance is Climbing Trees so go for them.

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