Home Business NewsBusiness Revealed: World’s top cities for remote working

Revealed: World’s top cities for remote working

by LLB Reporter
6th Aug 18 2:10 pm

The rise of modern technology has allowed many jobs to become more flexible, which means that remote working has grown in popularity across the globe. Powwownow has conducted research to reveal the best 15 cities around the world for remote working.

Inspired by the top 15 cities listed in InterNation’s Expat City Ranking Report, Powwownow has analysed the cost of living, average monthly salary, internet speed, price of coffee, and cost of public transport in different places across the world to reveal the best locations for those who work remotely.

Cities were individually scored on each factor and ranked by the total number of points, to calculate the top 15 cities around the world, with Prague topping the list.

Prague revealed as the best city for remote working

Calculating an overall ranking for each city, Prague was revealed to be the best city worldwide for remote workers. As well as a considerably low cost of living, the city falls within the Schengen zone, meaning EU citizens don’t need to apply for a visa to work here, making the Czech capital an ideal hub for digital nomads.

Top 15 cities for remote workers based on the overall score:

Rank City Overall Score (points out of 75)
1 Prague 52
2 Johannesburg 45
3 Auckland 44
4 Amsterdam 43
5 London 42
6 Munich 42
7 Frankfurt 41
8 Beijing 40
9 Hamburg 38
10 Stockholm 38
11 Luxembourg City 38
12 Basel 36
13 Manama 35
14 Zurich 34

Ellen Holcombe, a freelance copywriter at Word Person explains:

“As a copywriter, the majority of my work can be done remotely (mainly down to things like Skype, Slack, and Google Docs). This means that I’m not limited in the clients I can work with – I’m not restricted to just those within driving distance.

“It also means that I can work with my clients from my studio that I share with other freelancers, from the other side of the world. For me, the ability to work remotely has allowed me to work on some amazing projects and done wonders for my work/life balance. Working for any of the top 15 cities would be ideal for me – as long as I have a nice cup of coffee and a strong Wi-Fi connection, I’m there!”

Stockholm revealed to have the fastest Internet

For remote workers, high internet speed is a necessity to ensure good communication and collaboration. With an average countrywide internet speed of 22.5mbps, Stockholm was revealed as the best city for super-fast connectivity.

In comparison, reports showed that internet speed in Johannesburg is at a mere 6.70mbps – nearly four times slower than the Swedish capital.

However, as the home to the cheapest coffee at just £1.44 per cup, Johannesburg could be great for remote workers who aren’t too dependent on speedy internet. With an array of affordable coffee shops and co-working spaces to choose from, South Africa’s biggest city can offer a great hub for remote workers who want to be somewhere that’s a little more ‘remote’.

Jason Downes, MD of www.powwownow.co.uk said:

“Since the Flexible Working Legislation was introduced in 2014, businesses across the UK have seen a significant increase in employees working remotely. This means people have been able to change the way they work to fit better with their lifestyles and aspirations. The 9-5 isn’t as rigid as it once used to be, which means people are working from difference cities around the world.

“In order for companies to stay competitive and source the most talented workers, they need to make sure they allow their employees flexible and remote working schemes. We hope our ranking here in London will give people a little inspiration to where in the world they can work from next!”

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