Home Brexit Queen is ‘dismayed’ over MPs ‘inability to govern correctly’

Queen is ‘dismayed’ over MPs ‘inability to govern correctly’

by LLB Politics Reporter
12th Aug 19 8:31 am

The Queen who usually keeps her political views to herself, has voiced her concerns that MPs do not have the “ability to govern correctly,” the Sunday Times has revealed.

It has been reported that the Queen has revealed her disappointment that politicians are unable to reunite the UK since the 2016 referendum.

This revelation has come after some MPs have demanded for the Monarch to intervene should Boris Johnson refuse to resign following a motion of no confidence to block a no-deal Brexit.

A source told The Sunday Times, “I think she’s really dismayed. I’ve heard her talking about her disappointment in the current political class and its inability to govern correctly.”

It has been alleged the Queen made the comments after David Cameron resigned at a private event. Since the Monarch’s frustration’s have grown, insiders claim.

According to the newspaper the Monarch said, “She expressed her exasperation and frustration about the quality of our political leadership, and that frustration will only have grown.”

John McDonnell, the shadow home secretary said last week speaking at the Fringe Festival, “I don’t want to drag the Queen into this, but I would be sending Jeremy Corbyn in a cab to Buckingham Palace to say we’re taking over.”

Dominic Grieve the former attorney general spoke out and said he would expect the Queen to insist Johnson resigns, should the prime minister lose a no confidence vote.

Historically the Queen has always “remained neutral” in relation to political matters.

Robert Lacey a royal historian told Politico, “The Queen has a horror of being dragged into politics, partly because it is in her very nature to be neutral and retiring, and also because she deeply believes that the constitutional monarchy should do all it can to remain above the fray.”

Sir Anthony Seldon, political historian and author told LBC Radio that the Monarchy will not want to get drawn into politics.

Sir Anthony told Ian Payne, “The Queen has survived throughout her reign the longest Monarch in British history by not getting drawn into political matters and at this time the country is more politicised than since the Second World War, the last thing the Monarch will want to do is to try and help the politicians sort out the mess.

“The Palace will say ‘thank you very much’ and just kick the ball straight back to them and say, ‘Westminster you sort it out’.”

Sir Mark Sedwill the most senior civil servant and Edward Young, the Queen’s private secretary have in recent days spoken out about increasing calls for the Monarch to step in.

It has been reported that Buckingham Palace are in talks with Downing Street to keep the Queen away and out of the Brexit crisis.

Sir Anthony was asked by LBC host Ian Payne, should the Queen be forced to play a role in Breixt? Sir Anthony said is “theoreticaly possible” but unlikely.

He said, “Queen Elizabeth, who has served since 1952, without ever being drawn into political discussion because that immediately alienates some of the nation.

“She has kept her popularity, she’s going to be thinking about the popularity of the Monarchy as she hands it over when she dies to her son, she’s not going to hand over a Monarchy that has sided with one side or the other in this most bitter of all disputes.

“Yes theoretically you’re right, but in practical terms I just cannot see Buckingham Palace in any way doing anything else other than saying ‘over to you, you sort it out’.”

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