Home Business News Putin told NATO will ‘remain a nuclear alliance’ and we ‘will not be intimidated’ by Russia

Putin told NATO will ‘remain a nuclear alliance’ and we ‘will not be intimidated’ by Russia

by LLB political Reporter
4th Apr 23 4:05 pm

Moscow has been told today that NATO “will not be intimidated” by Russia and they will continue “to support Ukraine” against Vladimir Putin’s aggression.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg assured Moscow that in the event there is a change in the nuclear balance of power between the two then everything will be done so that there is no miscalculation.

Speaking in Brussels on Tuesday at the accession of Finland joining NATO he told journalists that Putin’s constant nuclear rhetoric is “dangerous.”

NATO makes up 50% of the world’s military power and “an attack on one is an attack on all” and the alliance will stand together to protect each other from outside aggression.

Read more on Russia-Ukraine war:

The West and Russia are ‘building the foundations of a new Cold War’ which runs the ‘risk of friction’ as Finland officially joins NATO

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Stoltenberg said, “We will not be intimidated. We will continue to support Ukraine. Of course, NATO remains vigilant. We monitor very closely what Russia does.

“But so far, we haven’t seen any changes in their nuclear posture that requires any change in our nuclear posture.

“We remain a nuclear Alliance, we deter and defend all Allies and of course, we continue to monitor what Russia does.”

Speaking after the Nordic country officially joined NATO, the British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace “let Finland be a lesson to Putin” who joined after Russia invaded a neighbouring country.

Wallace said, “I am delighted that Finland’s application to join NATO has now been approved and I want to welcome the country to the organisation.

“Let Finland be a lesson to President Putin. Finland chose to join, based on their own free will.

“The freedom to choose their alliances as a sovereign state is a matter for their citizens and their citizens alone.”

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