Home London News Protesters gathered on London’s Downing Street over Trump’s travel ban

Protesters gathered on London’s Downing Street over Trump’s travel ban

31st Jan 17 8:31 am

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Thousands of Londoners took to Downing Street last night to protest against Trump’s current travel ban.

Trump signed an order that stops immigration from seven majority Muslim countries for 90 days, an indefinite ban has been placed on Syrian refugees.

Westminster station was full of angry protesters as they waited to join the demonstration.

The crowds marched with various different signs, messages included “we stand united”, “no Trump travel ban” and “we are all immigrants”.

Chants were shouted including “Donald Trump has got to go” and “shame on May”.

Protesters gathered on 10 Downing Street at 6pm on Monday, the rally was organised by journalist and author Owen Jones.

People posted photos on Twitter of the demostration:


Many protesters spoke of never seeing a rally so big, they said they “can hear the roar” of the crowd from 10 minutes away.

One Muslim refugee addressed the crowd and said: “America is a beacon of democracy and peace, but Trump’s action will tear the fabric of American society.”

“We call on all peace-loving individuals to stand firm and oppose all racist and xenophobic action.”

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