Home Business NewsBusiness One third of British workers have NEVER met their colleagues

One third of British workers have NEVER met their colleagues

by LLB Reporter
3rd Feb 22 11:22 am

According to new national research published by the UK’s leading pub company and brewer, Greene King, more than a third of UK workers today have never met their colleagues in person.

Despite the inevitable uncertainties of returning to the office, 85% of British office workers say they are looking forward to a return to the office and getting to spend more time with colleagues – with work social events high on the agenda.

Over half the British working population believe that it is important to socialise with work colleagues at a local pub or restaurant, but due to work from home guidelines that were in place, haven’t yet had the chance.

Despite clear desire, the work social calendar in 2021 was cancelled with 44% of UK office Christmas parties scrapped at the end of the year. And now almost half of Brits believe that their employers should be spending more time and money arranging social events in 2022 to make up for the disruption and loss in 2021.

Greene King is giving Brits a second chance at Christmas – Christmas 2.0. Inviting businesses from across the UK to rebook their missed festive party.

Alex Dawson, Business Unit Director for Premium and Urban Pubs at Greene King, said: “The pub isn’t just a place to drink, the pub is a hub for creative ideas, friendships and team bonding. Working from home had a major impact on social activities. Everything from mid-week lunches to after work drinks had to be put on hold so it’s no surprise people are eager to get back to socialising and spending time together in the pub.

“We are giving people the chance to finally enjoy all those special moments with colleagues and friends that may have been missed in previous months due to Coronavirus restrictions and we can’t wait to welcome you back”.

The pub is the number one go to for colleagues to wind down and get to know one another, so much so, prior to the pandemic almost half of office workers in Britain would go to the pub or a local restaurant for lunch up to four times a month with colleagues.

A stark comparison to the 55.5% of people who didn’t socialise once with their colleagues outside of the office in 2021 due to the Covid pandemic. With work from home guidelines now officially over, Brits are keen to get back into the pub and throw themselves into social occasions with both colleagues and friends.

When asked what they missed most about working in the office, data revealed that over a third of Brits missed social occasions such as a local pub lunch and after work drinks with colleagues and 52% admitting to now feeling a physical disconnect from colleagues as a result.

Data further reveals that social activities are not just added perks of the job with 75% of those polled stating that in person events are an essential way to bond with colleagues.

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