Home Business Insights & Advice Nature of financial benefits enjoyed by UK citizens

Nature of financial benefits enjoyed by UK citizens

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1st Nov 19 10:29 am

The benefit system in UK like personal independence payment and social fund is so deigned that the people with low income can meet daily life needs. However the nature of each benefit system is different. Personal independence payment or PIP is for the people with disability or long term medical condition. But the social fund is for the lower income section redefining the burden at financial crisis. If the needs cannot be met by the benefits, budgeting loan is there to provide money.

Budgeting loan

It is a financial program set by the UK government to provide money to those could not meet the basic needs by other financial benefits. The UK government runs some financial benefits like PIP and Social fund. One can apply for these benefits but only the eligible candidate can get it. Social fund is designed to help the lower income section if one cannot afford the basic expense needs. It includes moving cost, hospital bill, pregnancy and baby expense etc. And PIP is to serve the people with long term medical condition or disability. The money given in these financial benefits run by the government varies maximum to minimum value depending upon the situation. If the needs are not fulfilled by the benefits enjoyed, one can borrow money from budgeting loan facility.

To avail the budgeting loan one must be the recipient of any of the other financial benefits. Not only that he or she must be enjoying the benefit at the time of budgeting loan application. The budgeting loan is given to fulfill moving cost, furniture, clotting cost etc. The money should be repaid within 104 weeks of the loan granted to the applicant. It is not a loan given by the private sector banks in a acute interest. But after all it is a loan and the recipient must repay within the bounded time period.

If you are planning to apply for a budgeting loan in UK, download the SF500 form online DWP website. You can also apply for budgeting loan calling the budgeting loan number. Fill all the details asked in that form like mane, address and other basic and your account details. The purpose of loan is important in the form to fill. There is some listed purpose to select on your aspect. But if the listed purposes are not one of your one, you can put it in details on that form.

Sometimes one might be denied by the budgeting loan authority if they assessed the applicant to be not eligible. In that case the applicant can appeal for reconsidering the assessment and decision. However before applying for the budgeting loan you should try for the financial benefits provided by the UK government. Once all the benefits are utilized one can go for the budgeting loan program.

Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

The financial benefits in PIP or personal independence payment are very different from other benefits. First of all, it is not for all the people in UK but only for those who having a long term medical condition or physical or mental disability. Secondly this benefit does not depend on the income of that person applying for getting the money. The eligibility of the candidate only depends on the medical condition assessed by the government medical team. To understand the medical condition on your aspect in expert’s views call the PIP contact number now.

One can apply for PIP on the DWP official website or calling PIP number directly. Once you fill the application form the authority of the department will contact you asking to explain the issue. How the medical condition is affecting your daily living. This is very important form to be filled correctly by the applicant. After the condition explanation gets completed the DWP will send a medical team to examine your current situation or health status. They will send a medical assessment result to the organization which will later decide everything. It will decide if the applicant is eligible to have the benefit and how much and how long it is be served.

Once you get the money the medical practitioner continuously track the medical condition and send the report to DWP. The benefits in PIP are given basically in two different sections. One is daily living component and the other is mobility component. The daily living component is for the assistance of daily needs like washing, preparing meal and so on. The mobility component is for planning a journey around and the following expenditure.

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