Home Insights & Advice Modern business security in 2023: What does the future look like?

Modern business security in 2023: What does the future look like?

by Sarah Dunsby
6th Dec 22 2:49 pm

As we move towards 2023, the reality of running a business is rapidly changing. With the transition into the digital era near completion, a whole host of new security challenges are also arising.

From cyber security to data concerns, it can be tricky to stay up to date with all these advances, especially with all the other challenges facing businesses these days. With that in mind, here are some key concerns that all business owners should keep in mind.

Data protection

Over the past 20 years, businesses have had access to an increasing amount of personal information related to their customers. As the conditions in which that data was stored were so new, there were often no effective strategies to safeguard and manage that data.

The General Data Protection Regulation, published in 2016, was intended as a means of managing this increasingly unmanageable phenomenon. As we move into 2023, GDPR compliance will remain important for businesses in all niches.

Failure to comply with data protection laws can result in serious legal ramifications, making it crucial that you seek expert advice if you’re not sure what you should be doing in that area.

Work-from-home security considerations

As remote and hybrid working models become the norm, work-from-home related security concerns will become increasingly important for a wide range of businesses. These concerns are twofold: first, business owners need to ensure the security of their employees. Second, they need to ensure that employees do not pose a cyber security risk.

What this means in practice is risk assessments, and lots of them. When an employee sets up a home office, you need to make sure that the environment is safe for them to spend time in, looking at things like fire hazards, and even the ergonomics of their workspace. You also need to ensure that they’re operating on a secure network, without exposing sensitive information to hackers and the like.

Key management

A lot of focus is rightly being placed on data management and cyber security. While essential, it will remain important in 2023 and beyond to ensure the security of your business’s physical premises.

An essential component of this lies in key management strategies. While you can have all the locks and doors you want, their effectiveness can be significantly compromised if you don’t know who has access to keys at any given time.

For more advice on how to implement an effective key management solution, reach out to the key management specialists at KEYper Systems, for detailed advice on which solution will best suit your specific needs.

As you can see, while there are plenty of new security concerns to be aware of as we enter 2023, the future will still hold age-old security issues such as key management. What’s important is that you leverage all the help you can get – reach out to security experts and get their advice, so that you can focus on the specifics you set your business up for.

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