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Military ready to roll out coronavirus vaccine from December

10th Nov 20 2:03 pm

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said on Tuesday that the Military and the NHS are now ready to roll out the Covid injection from December.

He warned that there are still a few hurdles to overcome, such regulatory approval of the new Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine, along with the assessment of safety data.

Most people will not receive the vaccine jab until next year as those most in need, will be priority.

Speaking to Sky News Hancock said, “I’ve asked the NHS who are supported by the armed services in this – but the NHS very much leading this effort for deploying the vaccine – I’ve asked them to be ready from the start of December.

“And, of course, there are many hurdles that still need to be gone over and we haven’t seen the full safety data and obviously that is critical and we won’t deploy a vaccine unless we can be confident in its clinical safety.

“But we also do need to be ready should a vaccine be licensed and get through all those hurdles and ready to roll it out.”

He added, “We’ve always been clear that our central expectation for the rollout of a vaccine should a vaccine come good… the central expectation of the bulk of the rollout and deployment has always been in the first part of 2021.”

On Monday Oxford University Professor, Sir John Bell has said that life will return back to normal by spring 2021 now that Pfizer has a vaccine that has 90% efficacy.

This come after the success story announced on Monday by Pfizer and BioNTech have found a vaccine that has a 90% chance of preventing people from catching the virus.

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