Home Business News Labour now has 40% of the vote share whilst the Conservatives have 26%

Labour now has 40% of the vote share whilst the Conservatives have 26%

by LLB political Reporter
6th Aug 23 1:01 pm

Opinium’s latest poll reveals Labour’s lead has dropped to 14-points, as the party’s share of the vote falls to its lowest since September with 40% (-2), although still clearly in the lead compared to the Conservatives who are on 26% (+1).

The Liberal Democrats have 10% (-1) of the vote share and Reform UK remain on 10%, while the Green Party have risen slightly to 7% (+1).

Rushi Sunak’s approval rating remains poor, with 24% approving and 51% disapproving (+1). We see a small recovery in Keir Starmer’s approval rating, with 29% approving (+3) and 37% disapproving (-2). The ratings for who the public believe would make the best Prime Miniter remain relatively unchanged, with Starmer still in the lead with 28%, compared to 23% who would pick Rushi Sunak.

Climate Change

Following the record temperatures currently sweeping southern Europe, over four fifths (85%) think that man-made climate change is a real issue. This figure includes over half (56%), who think it is as bad as often described, while only 29% think the effects of it are often exaggerated.

Over half (51%) think the UK government are currently underacting to climate change, with only 17% who think they are overacting, and a fifth (21%) think they are getting the balance about right.

When looking at tackling climate change, the public remains split on the costs they are prepared to under-go to combat it. Over two in five would be in support of policies to combat climate change if they cut back how much they fly abroad (44%) or limited the amount of meat they could eat (41%).

Despite this, opposition to policies to combat climate change are higher if the financial costs are made clear, with 40% in opposition if they had a negative impact on the economy, with only 25% still in support. A further 46% would be in opposition if it had a negative impact on their own personal finances, with only 22% still being in support.

Low Traffic Neighbourhoods

As Rushi Sunak ordered a review into low traffic neighbourhoods, in a bid to cut down on “anti—motorist” legislation, Opinium’s poll found views on LTNs, which are schemes designed to reduce traffic in part by preventing drivers from using quieter residential roads as through-routes, were divided, with 39% supporting LTNs vs 31% opposing them.

Support among voters increases if the location of the LTN is specified, including the street they live on (42% support vs 26% oppose), or their local high street (46% support vs 22% oppose). Support for LTNs outside of local schools appears to be highest, with 65% in support vs only 15% who oppose.

Similarly, when looking at support for 20mph limits, this is highest outside local schools (60%), the street they live on (56%) and their local high street (49%).

James Crouch, Head of Policy and Public Affairs at Opinium said: In the wake of a challenging few weeks for Labour, Keir Starmer will be concerned to see the party at its lowest share of the vote since the fallout from Liz Truss’s mini-budget last year. Labour’s saving grace remains that the Conservatives continue to be incredibly unpopular with only 26% of the vote.

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