Home Business News Labour leads by 16 points as Rishi Sunak’s approval rating drops

Labour leads by 16 points as Rishi Sunak’s approval rating drops

by LLB political Reporter
19th Feb 23 2:09 pm

Opinium’s latest poll reveals that in the last month, Labour has maintained a healthy lead of 16 points, with 44% (-1) of the vote share compared to 28% (-1) for the Conservatives.

The Liberal Democrats have 9% (no change) of the vote share, Reform UK have 7% (+1) and the Green Party have 6%.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s net approval rating has dropped to -15%, down one point since early January, with 27% saying they approve of the job he is doing, and 42% disapproving. Labour leader Keir Starmer’s approval rating has fallen to net 0%, down 2 points, with 32% approving and the same proportion disapproving of the job he’s doing as leader of the opposition.

Nicola Sturgeon’s resignation

Following the news that Nicola Sturgeon is due to resign as leader of the SNP, 46% of GB-wide voters think she has done a good job, rising to 64% among Scottish voters. Thinking about Sturgeon’s characteristics as a leader, 51% of voters agree that she sticks to her principles, is a strong leader (49%) and she is viewed as being decisive (47%).

Considering characteristics where the public viewed her as lacking, only 34% agree that she is trustworthy, while only 31% think she is likeable.

Season of strikes

As strikes and industrial action continue across several sectors in the UK, railway workers have seen a slight uptick in support since early January, with 39% (+1) saying they support the rail strikes, vs 45% (-1) who opposed them.

Looking at other industries, nurses garner the most support from the public, with 64% (+7) supporting their strike action, followed my ambulance workers, who are supported by 60% of voters.

Considering responses from the trade unions, the Government, Rishi Sunak, the Labour Party and Keir Starmer, the only positive net approval figures for how they’ve responded to recent strike action sits with the trade unions (+3%).

Brexit disappointment continues

Just under three-fifths (56%) of voters disapprove of the way the government has handled the Brexit process, with only 18% approving. Furthermore, two thirds (65%) of voters think Brexit has gone badly.

Looking specifically at Leave voters, just under half (45%) disapprove of the way the government has managed Brexit, and half (51%) think it’s gone badly so far.

Adam Drummond, Head of Political and Social Research at Opinium said:A government this far behind in the polls needs some good news, as Labour’s large double-digit leads have continued with barely any improvement in the Conservatives’ position. As the cost of living crisis and public sector strikes continue, the government is getting precious little benefit from the rare good news days such as President Zelensky’s visit.

“Unveiling a new Northern Ireland deal will be the next test on whether No 10 can kickstart a more positive narrative for the Conservatives. The risk of criticism from the ERG will always be there but Rishi Sunak will hope that voters will approve of him removing one of the running sores of the UK-EU relationship and focusing instead on issues like the economy and public services.”

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