Home Business NewsTech News Is this the next big Apple product?

Is this the next big Apple product?

by LLB Editor
8th Oct 14 12:21 pm

Has Apple been inspired by the recent Bendgate scandal? The tech goliath may soon launch an e-paper with a bendable screen.

According to tech website Patently Apple, Tim Cook and co are working on a mobile device which comes with a flexible screen display.

The e-paper could be used for anything from reading a newspaper to displaying adverts. It can be updated wirelessly and display messages sent as MMSs (Multimedia Messaging Service).

It could even be given a curvy shape, to help it display adverts around lampposts.

Apple’s not the only company working on a bendable e-paper. LG is working on an 18-inch screen bendy device and Intel is gearing up to launch a 10.7-inch flexible screen device.

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