Home Business Insights & Advice ‘Hybrid’ Crypto Exchange ICO Announces $5m Partnership Deal

‘Hybrid’ Crypto Exchange ICO Announces $5m Partnership Deal

6th Apr 18 10:19 am

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Qurrex, set to become the world’s first hybrid cryptocurrency exchange, has received a financial boost after a new partnership deal with multiple crypto investors Andromeda Group.

The private capital holdings firm praised the strength of the token being created as a result of the Qurrex ICO, named QRX.

Pavel Kornilov, Co-Founder of Andromeda Group, said in a statement: “We see Qurrex as a potentially strong player in the market and glad to develop our relationship. We also believe that the quality of QRX token buyers will be one of the key factors of the future success of the project.”

The deal, worth in excess of $5m, pushes Qurrex even closer to its $55m max cap target, with the public given a last chance opportunity to get involved in the May main sale.

Thanks to its part-centralized and part-decentralized exchange solution, Qurrex could be on track to deliver the first truly next-generation exchange, offering more tokens and coins, and subsequently, effective liquidity between them.

Now, thanks to a bumper token sale, the business is on track to hit its max cap of $55m before the end of the crowd sale.

Qurrex’s next-generation platform integrates the industrial-grade centralized infrastructure of traditional stock exchanges (CEX), like NASDAQ, NYSE and LSE, with a decentralized blockchain-based network (DEX).

Andromeda, which has previously partnered with prominent crypto companies, such as IOTA, Bancor and eTorro.

This new partnership is not only a financial boost to Qurrex, but one that will also bring about guidance and cooperation across the board.

Qurrex has been designed to create a suitable gateway for professional traders in traditional financial markets to the crypto economy and to meet the challenges of the exponential growth of cryptocurrency trading.

The new platform will integrate the centralized exchange based on enterprise technology of traditional stock exchanges with decentralized network consisting of thousands of nodes of liquidity with partial exchange functions for miners, brokers, liquidity provider and other institutional players.

The Qurrex ICO continues in May, with expectations of hitting the max cap high. Interested parties can take part by visiting www.qurrex.com.

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