Home Business NewsBusiness Google sued over ‘sexist culture’ as male counterparts are paid more than women

Google sued over ‘sexist culture’ as male counterparts are paid more than women

15th Sep 17 3:34 pm

Here’s what happened

Tech giant, Google is being sued as three former women employees have claimed that they were paid less than men and also missed out on promotions.

Kelly Ellis a former Google employee said she started with the tech giant in 2010, her male colleague who also started at the same was paid more than Ellis.

She had four years’ experience and her pay grade was on a college graduates pay grade, level 3 whilst her male colleague was on level 4, the BBC said.

Despite Ellis’s strong performance review’s, she was denied promotion, although the man graduated in 2006, the same year as Ellis.

Ellis quite her job after being with Google for four years, she cited the firm’s “sexist culture,” Holly pease and Kelli Wisuri have both made similar allegations and are also suing seeking a class action status.

A Google spokeswoman, Gina Scigliano, who was quoted by CNN said: “Job levels and promotions are determined through rigorous hiring and promotion committees, and must pass multiple levels of review, including checks to make sure there is no gender bias in these divisions.

“If we ever see individual discrepancies or problems, we work to fix them, because Google has always sought to be a great employer, for every one of our employees.”

Google is defending their position and said the allegations are unfounded.

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